Micah Detamore Apps

Violin Scales 0.1
A tool to help violin / fiddle playerslearnnote positions for the most common scales.- Select a key signature and learn the major and minorscalenotes on the virtual violin / fiddle fingerboard- Learn violin finger positions for each note in any major orminorscale on the circle of fifths *- Touch a note on the violin to hear it played- Use during practice or lessons to train yourself to playnotesaccurately- Can be used as a tuner* The scales currently included in this app are the mostcommonlyused scales in western music and represented on the circleoffifths. Keys which include double sharps, double flats, B#, Cb,E#,or Fb are not yet supported, though can usually be substitutedwiththeir enharmonic equivalent or relative major / minorkeys.Requests for more key signatures or scales, or otherappimprovements are welcome and encouraged.